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Month: May 2019

A year in Rainbows

A year in Rainbows

Before I start, I probably should clarify something. This isn’t a post documenting a year of those fantastic spectacles of nature. Although I have seen some awesome ones in my time. I swear I’ve seen the end of a rainbow coming out of a loch in Scotland . No pot of gold though. I also witnessed a brilliant double rainbow a few months back. Ah, memories…. No, this is a post about my daughters first year in her local Rainbows…

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OneDads(RE)View: The Zog Trail at Hamsterley Forest

OneDads(RE)View: The Zog Trail at Hamsterley Forest

I don’t write nearly as much ‘review’ type posts as I probably should. “Call yourself a blogger?!” I hear my internal voice call. “Well, yes, actually” I reply in my most condescending tone before my wife asks “Who are you talking to?”…. Moving swiftly on… This weekend we were craving a bit of outdoor fun. Ignoring the usual ‘it’s grim up North’ weather forecast we decided to try the Zog trail at Hamsterley Forest. We’ve been here both before and…

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